Issue - meetings

Killamarsh Sports Centre Refurbishment

Meeting: 22/04/2021 - Cabinet (Item 100)

Killamarsh Leisure Centre Update

Report of Councillor J Kenyon, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Transformation and Climate Change


Key Decision                                                                                    Paragraph 3


Additional documents:




1)           That Cabinet agreed that the works specified in the report be now progressed.


2)           That Council be recommended to agree additional investment to support the refurbishment of the centre.


3)           That pre-construction works, utilising existing budget, takes place prior to any further investment approved by Council.




To ensure that improvements to the centre can now take place. These improvements would help to both improve its financial sustainability and provide better facilities for its users.




The option of no agreeing to the works was considered, but rejected for the reasons set out in the report.


This is a Key Decision.  The call-in period for the decision will run until Friday 30 April 2021.


The report to Cabinet provided an update on the Killamarsh Leisure Centre and sought approval for a range of refurbishment works to the facility. It also suggested that Council be recommended to provide additional funding to help complete the refurbishment programme. Members’ discussed the proposed refurbishment works, the improvements that would be made and the timetable for implementing them. At the conclusion of the discussion Cabinet made clear that it supported the proposed approach




1)           That Cabinet agreed that the works specified in the report be now progressed.


2)           That Council be recommended to agree additional investment to support the refurbishment of the centre.


3)           That pre-construction works, utilising existing budget, takes place prior to any further investment approved by Council.


REASONS FOR DECISION - To ensure that improvements to the centre can now take place. These improvements would help to both improve its financial sustainability and provide better facilities for its users.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of no agreeing to the works was considered, but rejected for the reasons set out in the report.

(Paragraph 3)