Issue - meetings

Leisure Facilities

Meeting: 17/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 73)

Leisure Facilities - Killamarsh Sports Centre - TO FOLLOW

Report of Councillor J Kenyon, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Transformation and Climate Change


                                                                     Key Decision (Paragraphs 2 and 3)

Additional documents:




(1)          That Cabinet agreed option E(1), as specified in the report, as its preferred option for the Killamarsh Sports Centre;


(2)          That this preferred option inform further discussions with Killamarsh Parish Council on the future of the Centre;


(3)          That Cabinet recommend any budget growth arising to Council for approval as part of    the annual budget setting process for the 2021-22 financial year;


(4)          That the proposal to make a specific allocation in the Capital Programme, as set out in the report, funded through prudential borrowing, be recommended to Council for approval as part of the budget setting process for  2021-22;


(5)          That subject to Council approving the budget growth and addition to the Capital programme, the Director of Corporate Services be delegated authority to approve the terms and conditions of the agreements/land transactions and enter the arrangements with Killamarsh Parish Council in relation to the Killamarsh Sports Centre.





The reasons for the Decision were specified in the report.




The option of not addressing the future status of the centre was considered but rejected for the reasons set out in the report.


This is a Key Decision.  The call-in period for the decision will run until Wednesday 6 January 2021.



Cabinet considered a range of options on the future management of the Killamarsh Sports Centre, along with their financial and other implications.  Cabinet determined its preferred option, which it agreed should now inform further discussions with the owners of the centre, Killamarsh Parish Council.




(1)          That Cabinet agreed option E(1), as specified in the report, as its preferred option for the Killamarsh Sports Centre;


(2)          That this preferred option inform further discussions with Killamarsh Parish Council on the future of the Centre;


(3)          That Cabinet recommend any budget growth arising to Council for approval as part of    the annual budget setting process for the 2021-22 financial year;


(4)          That the proposal to make a specific allocation in the Capital Programme, as set out in the report, funded through prudential borrowing, be recommended to Council for approval as part of the budget setting process for  2021-22;


(5)          That subject to Council approving the budget growth and addition to the Capital programme, the Director of Corporate Services be delegated authority to approve the terms and conditions of the agreements/land transactions and enter the arrangements with Killamarsh Parish Council in relation to the Killamarsh Sports Centre.





The reasons for the Decision were specified in the report.




The option of not addressing the future status of the centre was considered but rejected for the reasons set out in the report.


(Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)