81 Vision Derbyshire PDF 434 KB
Report of Councillor A Dale, Leader of the Council
Councillors N Barker, A Dale, A Foster, and B Wright declared interest in this issue as Members of Derbyshire County Council. They indicated that they would remain in the meeting during Council’s discussion and determination on it. Councillor B Lewis also declared an interest in this issue as a Member of Derbyshire County Council. He indicated that he would remain in the meeting during the Council’s discussion and then decide on whether or not to take part in any vote.
Members were reminded of how the Council, in co-operation with the other district and borough local authorities in the County, had sought to develop a new collaborative approach for future joint working between councils across Derbyshire. This collaborative approach, it was explained, would enable them to focus on their collective ambitions, without requiring any changes to the existing structure of local government. In this respect it differed from proposals made by other authorities, which if accepted would fundamentally alter the structure of Derbyshire local government.
Members discussed extensively ‘Vision Derbyshire’. Support was expressed for its collaborative approach and the proposed key ambitions identified by the district councils. Some Members made it clear that they hoped the approach would be developed further and supported by the Government.
Council noted that Ministers intended to publish a White Paper on ‘Devolution and Local Recovery’, possibly in the Spring. This White Paper was expected to set out proposals for local government reform in England. It was explained that in advance of this, Ministers had been asked to support the Vision Derbyshire approach, as an alternative to structural changes to local government in the County.
Members were assured that any proposed structural changes set out in the White Paper affecting the District would be submitted to Council for consideration.
Councillor A Dale and Councillor C Cupit moved and seconded the recommendations as set out in the report.
The motion was put to the vote and was carried.
(1) That Council noted the progress and work which had taken place with Derbyshire Councils on the development of Vision Derbyshire – as a new collaborative approach to delivering non-structural reform across Derbyshire.
(2) That Council noted the Government’s plans to publish a White Paper on Devolution and Local Recovery and the potential implications for local government reform in Derbyshire, as well as the more recent announcement from the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government in relation to local government reform, as set out in the report.
(3) That Council authorised the Leader and Joint Director of Corporate Resources and Head of Paid Service to engage in further discussions at local, regional and national level to support and enable the full development of Vision Derbyshire as a concept and possible option for non-structural local government reform in Derbyshire, as an alternative to ‘unitarisation’.
(4) That if not supported by Government, the Council would maintain that now is not the time for structural reform of local government in Derbyshire.
(5) That Council asked the ... view the full minutes text for item 81 |
Vision Derbyshire
Report of the Leader of the Council
This item was withdrawn.