97 North East Derbyshire Growth Strategy 2021-24 PDF 322 KB
Report of Councillor C Renwick, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth
Additional documents:
1. That Cabinet approved the North East Derbyshire Growth Strategy 2021-2024.
2. That the Director of Growth and Economic Development be authorised to make non substantive amendments to the documents in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economic Growth.
The strategy will guide future work and resource allocation in order to promote economic growth in the District. This is key goal for the Council and would play an important part in improving the lives and wellbeing of North East Derbyshire residents.
The option of not establishing a Growth Strategy was considered but rejected. Without a strategy regeneration activities undertaken within the District would be delivered in an uncoordinated manner and this could lead to an inefficient and ineffective use of limited resources.
Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers
Cabinet considered the proposed North East Derbyshire Growth Strategy. Members heard how the Strategy would seek to promote business and employment in the District in line with the Council Plan objectives. They also heard how it would complement the goals of the recently published White Paper: ‘Building Back Better’ for promoting economic growth.
Cabinet was informed that the Growth Strategy would include an ‘Action Plan’. This Action Plan would specify the measures to be taken on Skills, Town Centre Regeneration, the Visitor Economy and other priority areas, in order to help stimulate growth in the local economy and promote recovery following the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak.
Members discussed the Strategy and the contribution that it would make to the District’s recovery following on from Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Members highlighted the successful application by the Clay Cross Town Fund Board for grant aid from the Government’s Town Fund programme and the important part that this grant aid would play in helping to promote economic growth across the whole of North East Derbyshire.
Cabinet noted that further work was required to finalise the Strategy. The report proposed that the Director of Growth and Economic Development be authorised to do this, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth. Members supported this approach.
(1) That Cabinet approved the North East Derbyshire Growth Strategy 2021-2024.
(2) That the Director of Growth and Economic Development be authorised to make non substantive amendments to the documents in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economic Growth.
REASONS FOR DECISION - The strategy will guide future work and resource allocation in order to promote economic growth in the District. This is key goal for the Council and would play an important part in improving the lives and wellbeing of North East Derbyshire residents.
OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of not establishing a Growth Strategy was considered but rejected. Without a strategy regeneration activities undertaken within the District would be delivered in an uncoordinated manner and this could lead to an inefficient and ineffective use of limited resources.