Issue - meetings

Environmental Health Service Review

Meeting: 12/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 62)

Environmental Health Service Review

Report of Councillor C Cupit, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services


 (Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)




(1)          That Cabinet supported the proposed restructure of the Environmental Health Service.

(2)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Joint Director of Environment and Enforcement and the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, to make the proposed changes to the Establishment, as specified within the report.

(3)          That the additional cost associated with the revisions to the Environmental Health structure be included in the Medium Term Financial Plan and recommended to Council for approval.


REASONS FOR DECISION - The changes will enable the Council to provide a professional and expert Environmental Health Service to residents and businesses in the District.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of not making the proposed changes to the Environmental Health Service were considered but rejected. It would be more difficult to improve enforcement activity, tackle environmental crime and provide an effective Environmental Health Service for the District if the proposed changes were not made.


Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers



Cabinet considered proposals for specific structure changes to the Joint Environmental Health Service. Cabinet was informed that the structure changes would enable the Service to deliver the Council’s priorities, especially around enforcement and also ensure its long term effectiveness. Members welcomed the proposed approach and agreed to endorse the structure changes.




(1)          That Cabinet supported the proposed restructure of the Environmental Health Service.


(2)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Joint Director of Environment and Enforcement and the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, to make the proposed changes to the Establishment, as specified within the report.


(3)          That the additional cost associated with the revisions to the Environmental Health structure be included in the Medium Term Financial Plan and recommended to Council for approval.


REASONS FOR DECISION - The changes will enable the Council to provide a professional and expert Environmental Health Service to residents and businesses in the District.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of not making the proposed changes to the Environmental Health Service were considered but rejected. It would be more difficult to improve enforcement activity, tackle environmental crime and provide an effective Environmental Health Service for the District if the proposed changes were not made.


(Paragraphs 1,2 and 3)