Issue - meetings

Planning Restructure (enforcement resource, Arboriculture and Heritage) (Exempt) (GC)

Meeting: 10/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 35)

Planning Service Structure Changes

Report of Councillor C Cupit, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services KEY DECISION

(Paragraphs  1, 2 & 3)





(1)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to exercise his delegation to make the changes to the structure of the Planning Service, as specified in the report.


(2)          That the financial changes, as specified in the report be approved.


(3)          That formal consultation with Planning Service staff and unions now commence.


(4)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Joint Director of Environment and Enforcement and the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services to make changes to the Establishment following formal consultation with staff. 

REASONS FOR DECISION - The changes would provide additional capacity to meet the needs and objectives of the Administration by providing a professional and expert Planning Service to residents and businesses.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - Other options were considered but rejected for the reasons specified in the report.


This is a Key Decision.  The call-in period for the decision will run until Tuesday 22 September 2020.



The report to Cabinet set out proposals to alter the current organisational structure of the Planning Service These changes, it was explained, would provide additional capacity to deliver the Council’s priorities and objectives for the service. Members discussed the proposed new structure, the consultation arrangements with staff that would be put in place and the financial implications of the proposed changes.




(1)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to exercise his delegation to make the changes to the structure of the Planning Service, as specified in the report.


(2)          That the financial changes, as specified in the report be approved.


(3)          That formal consultation with Planning Service staff and unions now commence.


(4)          That Cabinet requested the Head of Paid Service to use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Joint Director of Environment and Enforcement and the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services to make changes to the Establishment following formal consultation with staff. 

REASONS FOR DECISION - The changes would provide additional capacity to meet the needs and objectives of the Administration by providing a professional and expert Planning Service to residents and businesses.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - Other options were considered but rejected for the reasons specified in the report.


(Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3)