35 Appointment of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet 2020/21 PDF 207 KB
The Leader will confirm the appointment of their Deputy Leader and their Cabinet Portfolio Members for 2020/21 as set out in the attached document
The Leader advised Council of the appointment of Councillor C Cupit as Deputy Leader of the Council for the remainder of the 2020/21 municipal year.
The Leader also advised Council of the changes to the Cabinet Members and their Portfolios for the reminder of the municipal year. This was confirmed as:-
Councillor A Dale
Leader and Portfolio Holder for Overall Strategic Leadership
Councillor C Cupit
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services
Councillor M Foster
Portfolio Holder for Council Services
Councillor J Kenyon
Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Transformation & Climate Change
Councillor P Parkin
Portfolio Holder for Finance
Councillor A Powell
Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities, and Communications
Councillor C Renwick
Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth
RESOLVED – That Council notes the Deputy Leader and the Cabinet for 2020/21.