12 Nexus Progress Report PDF 262 KB
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Presented By: Peter Tooher
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Peter Tooher gave a presentation to support the Progress Report which provided the Board with an update on the project.
The Board was given an overview of the actions to date and work in progress.
· Site visit undertaken with NEDDC/Nexus Planning and Buttress Architects
· Draft Communication Strategy has been prepared and supporting material.
· Stakeholder engagement
· Documentation review and baseline research work
· Prepared paper on Investment Plan Framework, based on guidance from MHCLG
Peter Alford advised that guidance had now been received and the Framework was now progressing.
A vision and strategy should be based on evidence of the local needs and priorities. Engagement and public consultation was required. Work was being undertaken on some baseline analysis.
We need to look at how we respond to the current crisis within a long-term plan as this will also set out aspirations for change over a ten year period.
It was stated that there had to be a balance between ambition and deliverability, and look at strategic interventions that deliver tangible change.
Investment needed to be able to deliver sustainable change and respond to environmental changes. There was also a need to focus and build on joint working and partnerships between public, private and community sectors.
The town centre needed to be the focus of activity and prioritisation.
The TIP would be set out in two sections – context, strategy, engagement/planning and projects.
The evidence base needed to be presented in a way that showed a proper process had been followed.
The TIP will be subject to review against set criteria, with only one opportunity for resubmission.
The Towns Hub would be a key resource and should provide support of the preparation of the TIP through providing guidance and feedback.
We were currently at the first stage of the TIP, the next stages will be submission followed by agreement to Heads of Terms. Business cases will then need to be submitted within a 12 month period.
Peter Tooher gave an overview of the interim baseline findings.
· Clay Cross is a key location for significant growth
· The town centre lacked a centre point however there were development opportunities to be able to do this
· Currently there was a disconnect between the town centre, key assets and areas of growth, but there was scope to improve the links
· Traffic and congestion from the A61 detract visitors to the town centre so need to look at options for traffic management and public realm improvements. Pedestrian links need improving
· Community and other key assets i.e. Coney Green, Egstow Park, Health and Education facilities, and open spaces are spread across the town, and these need to be better connected by creating cycle and pedestrian routes
Going forward we need to think about socio-economics of the area and the impact on Covid-19.
Rachael Lister gave an overview of the market analysis work that had been undertaken.
· Gaps had been identified in housing provision. In particular smaller, starter homes and apartments to rent
· There was potential interest from leisure operators ... view the full minutes text for item 12