Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan - Financial Outturn 2023-24

Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 7.)

7. Treasury Management Financial Outturn 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Report of Councillor P Kerry, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Leadership and Finance

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That Cabinet noted the outturn position in respect of the 2023-24 financial year.


REASONS FOR DECISION The Council operated in line with its agreed Treasury Management Strategy during the 2023/24 financial year. This ensures that lending and borrowing arrangements were prudent and sustainable, minimising the risk of financial loss to the Council. Effective management of these arrangements ensured that interest costs during the year were minimised to assist the Council’s revenue position whilst interest receivable increased slightly above budget due to increased interest rates.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - This report is primarily a factual report detailing the actual position against the Council’s previously approved treasury management strategy. Accordingly, the report does not set out any options where a decision is required by Members.


Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers.