Issue - meetings

Derby & Derbyshire Strategic Leadership Board - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 29/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Derby and Derbyshire Strategic Leadership Board pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Report of Councillor N Barker, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Leadership & Finance.

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.               Approved the proposals for the establishment of the Derby and Derbyshire Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) and the delegation of functions to this Joint Committee as set out in the Functions and Responsibilities document in Appendix 2 of the Council report.


2.               Noted the draft the Terms of Reference, including the Introduction and Context, Functions and Responsibilities, Procedural Rules, and Information Procedure Rules for the SLB as set out at Appendix 2 of the Council report and the position detailed in those documents regarding scrutiny and co-option.


3.               Appointed the Leader of the Council as the Council’s representative on the SLB and the Deputy Leader of the Council, as substitute.


4.               Noted the intention that the SLB be the body for the nomination of District and Borough representatives to the East Midlands Combined County Authority (the CCA), when established, further noting that this was subject to the CCA’s agreement that this be the mechanism.


5.               Agreed that the County Council act as the host authority for the Joint Committee.


6.               Noted and agreed the dissolution of the D2 Joint Committee for Economic Prosperity, the enactment of which is subject to the establishment of the SLB and recommends that the Constitution is amended accordingly.


7.               Noted and agreed the dissolution of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee, the enactment of which was subject to the establishment of the SLB and recommends that the Constitution is amended accordingly.


8.               Agreed with the Council’s active participation in the SLB and the associated costs of taking forward the programme of work, the maximum cost of which currently stands at £12,500 for NEDDC (assuming all Districts and Boroughs are members of the SLB) which is funded until at least March 2025 via the Business Rates pool.


9.               Noted that as the functions of the SLB are executive functions, Derbyshire County Council would not have the opportunity to co-opt additional members onto the SLB and the ability to co-opt is restricted within the Terms of Reference.


10.           Noted that, in accordance with section 9F of the Local Government Act 2000, constituent authorities who operate executive arrangements would need to make formal scrutiny arrangements to review or scrutinise decisions made in connection with the exercise of the functions of the D2 Strategic Leadership Board, and that the Council’s existing scrutiny arrangements would apply.


11.           Delegated authority to the Managing Director and Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Leader to agree the final terms of reference for the SLB and all other arrangements.




To establish the Derby and Derbyshire Strategic Leadership Board with robust governance arrangements in place and secure the Council’s future involvement and participation in new governance arrangements as they develop and emerge.


To ensure that the Council has appropriate lead Elected Member representation on the proposed Strategic Leadership Board, via the appointment of suitable Cabinet Members.


To ensure that the Council has appropriate delegations in place to enable the Council to participate in finalising the details of the  ...  view the full decision text for item 74


The report to Cabinet sought approval for North East Derbyshire District Council to form and participate in the Derby and Derbyshire Strategic leadership Board (SLB). Members were reminded that Council had considered this issue at its meeting on 29 January 2024. Members had been informed at this meeting of the work taking place with Derby and Derbyshire Councils to develop a revised approach to collaborative and partnership working. Following on from this, Council had recommended to Cabinet that it approve the establishment, and participation in, a new Joint Committee of Derby and Derbyshire’s Councils, the ‘D2’ Strategic Leadership Board (SLB).


Cabinet reflected on the benefits of the proposed new Leadership Board, and especially the way in which it could help the different local authorities to collaborate, co-ordinate and drive forward agendas, so that they could achieve more by working together and improve outcomes for people and places across Derbyshire. There was general agreement that Cabinet should accept the recommendation from Council and approve the establishment of, and participation in, the proposed new Strategic Leadership Board.




That Cabinet:


1.               Approved the proposals for the establishment of the Derby and Derbyshire Strategic Leadership Board (SLB) and the delegation of functions to this Joint Committee as set out in the Functions and Responsibilities document in Appendix 2 of the Council report.


2.               Noted the draft the Terms of Reference, including the Introduction and Context, Functions and Responsibilities, Procedural Rules, and Information Procedure Rules for the SLB as set out at Appendix 2 of the Council report and the position detailed in those documents regarding scrutiny and co-option.


3.               Appointed the Leader of the Council as the Council’s representative on the SLB and the Deputy Leader of the Council, as substitute.


4.               Noted the intention that the SLB be the body for the nomination of District and Borough representatives to the East Midlands Combined County Authority (the CCA), when established, further noting that this was subject to the CCA’s agreement that this be the mechanism.


5.               Agreed that the County Council act as the host authority for the Joint Committee.


6.               Noted and agreed the dissolution of the D2 Joint Committee for Economic Prosperity, the enactment of which is subject to the establishment of the SLB and recommends that the Constitution is amended accordingly.


7.               Noted and agreed the dissolution of the Vision Derbyshire Joint Committee, the enactment of which was subject to the establishment of the SLB and recommends that the Constitution is amended accordingly.


8.               Agreed with the Council’s active participation in the SLB and the associated costs of taking forward the programme of work, the maximum cost of which currently stands at £12,500 for NEDDC (assuming all Districts and Boroughs are members of the SLB) which is funded until at least March 2025 via the Business Rates pool.


9.               Noted that as the functions of the SLB are executive functions, Derbyshire County Council would not have the opportunity to co-opt additional members onto the SLB and the ability to co-opt  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74