Issue - meetings

'Unlocking' of the Avenue Southern Access

Meeting: 29/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 76)

76 'Unlocking' The Avenue Southern Access pdf icon PDF 1009 KB

Report of Councillor J Barry, Portfolio Holder for Growth & Assets. 




1.               That Cabinet noted the recent progress in ‘unlocking’ The Avenue Southern Access.


2.               That Cabinet approved further officer resource and undoubtably further investment from the Council (on a business case by business case basis), to complete The Avenue development, as outlined in the report, as a regeneration priority.


3.               That Cabinet supported The Avenue being discussed and promoted to partners and funders as the Council’s priority regeneration scheme.




To approve further officer resources and further investment from the Council (on a case-by-case basis to complete The Avenue development as a regeneration priority for the Council.




The option of not completing the Southern Access to The Avenue as outlined in the Local Plan and various consultations was considered but rejected. To do so could be considered negative and inflict reputational damage on the Council.


Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers.


Cabinet received an update on recent progress towards ‘unlocking’ the ‘Southern Access’ to The Avenue site. As part of this, Cabinet was recommended that the project continues to be a Regeneration Priority for the Council. Members were also reminded in this context of its status as one of the most ambitious and effective remediation projects of a former industrial site ever undertaken in the UK.


The report explained the progress which had been made to secure ‘Northern Access’ to the site. It also explained the action which had been taken to date to try and make the site accessible from its southern end. Members were then informed about how the Council, as a major landholder at this part of site may be able to help ‘unlock’ and deliver the ‘Southern Access’ to it.


Cabinet discussed the report. Members reflected on the extensive progress which had been made on regenerating The Avenue. They accepted the need for the Council to provide further officer time and investment on a case-by-case basis to complete its re-development, including work with the Planning department to ensure that all planning considerations are appropriately accounted for.


Cabinet recognised the contribution which a Southern Access to the site, via Mill Lane, could play in achieving further development.  Members were reminded of the recent work carried out by the Council to develop a possible alternative to the use of a roundabout as a traffic management measure at Mill Lane, in order to enable a Southern Access to The Avenue. This work had been carried out with support from Derbyshire County Council. Members hoped that the Southern Access issue could be resolved as soon as possible.




1.               That Cabinet noted the recent progress in ‘unlocking’ The Avenue Southern Access.


2.               That Cabinet approved further officer resource and undoubtably further investment from the Council (on a business case by business case basis), to complete The Avenue development, as outlined in the report, as a regeneration priority.


3.               That Cabinet supported The Avenue being discussed and promoted to partners and funders as the Council’s priority regeneration scheme.




To approve further officer resources and further investment from the Council (on a case-by-case basis to complete The Avenue development as a regeneration priority for the Council.




The option of not completing the Southern Access to The Avenue as outlined in the Local Plan and various consultations was considered but rejected. To do so could be considered negative and inflict reputational damage on the Council.