Issue - meetings

Verbal Update of the External Auditors - Mazars

Meeting: 18/01/2023 - Audit & Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee (2019-2023) (Item 56)

Verbal Update of the External Auditors - Mazars


Members were presented with a verbal update of the Council’s External Auditor (Mazars) which outlined updates made in light of the Audit Completion Report that was presented to the Committee on 9 November 2022. Members were informed that a letter from Mazars would be circulated to the Committee in the following days, which would detail the updates/conclusions and include a recommendation to the Council.


Members discussed the recommendation to be included in the letter and sought more information on what it would specify.  The External Auditor explained that it would recommend revaluing investment properties on an annual basis, and reviewing the work provided by the valuers upon receipt of valuation reports.


RESOLVED – That the Committee noted the verbal update from the Council’s external auditors Mazars.