Issue - meetings

Car Parking Update

Meeting: 18/01/2023 - Audit & Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee (2019-2023) (Item 57)

Car Parking Update


Members were presented with an update on the Council’s Car Parking sites as of 17 January 2023.  A document was circulated to Members which included updated detail of each site in the Car Parking Strategy.


Members were informed that Cabinet had identified the sites that engineers would begin work on.


The Director of Property Services & Development (Rykneld Homes) explained that Rykneld had previously provided the formal lead on the Cark Parking Strategy, but they were now consultees instead.


Members felt that the site list should include details on which areas were highest priority, and the reasons for them being higher priority. The Director of Property Services & Development (Rykneld Homes) explained that when Rykneld led the Strategy, Cabinet agreed trial areas to concentrate on, and Rykneld produced a site list based on issues they had been told by Members and the public.


Members were concerned that Adlington Avenue in Wingerworth had been included in the circulated document as a trial site without public consultation. The Committee were informed by the Assistant Director - Property, Estates and Assets that because the Adlington Trial was progressed following a Cabinet decision, some form of consultation would have been carried out, and the Assistant Director would review the report to clarify the consultation and circulate this to Members.


Members discussed Adlington Avenue further and were concerned that despite the original Strategy document stating it would protect the grass on the site, they believed this was not the case. They were informed that more re-seeding was scheduled to take place on the site.


The Chair felt that the Committee should continue to receive updates on the Car Parking Strategy, because with the issues raised, Members should have an opportunity to monitor its progress.


Members enquired what the available budget was for the Car Parking Strategy. The Director of Finance and Resources explained there was an annual pot from the Housing Revenue Account of £288,000 allocated to the Strategy.


RESOLVED – That the Committee noted the update.