Issue - meetings

Sharley Park: Agreement to Proceed

Meeting: 24/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 41)

Sharley Park Development - NOW PUBLISHED

Report of Councillor A Powell, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications


Key Decision                                                                                                   Paragraph 3




(1)         To progress with the redevelopment to completion.


(2)         To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications to take such action as is necessary to progress the scheme through to completion.


(3)         To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications, to enter all necessary associated agreements in order to deliver the project.


(4)         To acknowledge the pursuit of additional funding for a moveable floor, along with the associated contractual impact to programme and to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications, to enter all necessary associated agreements.


REASONS FOR DECISION – To continue with the Leisure Facilities Investment Programme in order to reduce the operating costs of the Council’s leisure facilities and deliver a multi-million pound, flagship community facility in Clay Cross Town Centre.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – Do nothing, a comprehensive refurbishment, a New Leisure Facility but not the community hub model, or close the facility.


This is a Key Decision. The call-in period for the decision will run until Monday 5 December 2022.


Cabinet considered a report on the proposed re-development of Sharley Park Leisure Centre. It also sought approval to progress the development and delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure to carry out certain aspects of the development


Cabinet discussed the report. Members supported the recommendations and were pleased to see the development progressing, but stated that they would like to see standalone changing rooms in the facility for football teams.




(1)            To progress with the redevelopment to completion.


(2)            To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications to take such action as is necessary to progress the scheme through to completion.


(3)            To delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications, to enter all necessary associated agreements in order to deliver the project.


(4)      To acknowledge the pursuit of additional funding for a moveable floor, along with the associated contractual impact to programme and to delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Leisure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications, to enter all necessary associated agreements.


REASONS FOR DECISION - To continue with the Leisure Facilities Investment Programme in order to reduce the operating costs of the Council’s leisure facilities and deliver a multi-million pound, flagship community facility in Clay Cross Town Centre.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - Do nothing, a comprehensive refurbishment, a New Leisure Facility but not the community hub model, or close the facility.