Issue - meetings

Council Plan Targets Performance Update April to June 2022 (Q1)

Meeting: 04/08/2022 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Council Plan Targets Performance Update April to June 2022 pdf icon PDF 474 KB

Report of Councillor A Dale, Leader of the Council

Additional documents:




(1)      That Cabinet noted the Outturns for the Council Plan 2019-2023 Targets.


(2)      That Target ENV17 be changed to an externally focused Target, for the reasons set out in the report.


REASONS FOR DECISION - To inform Members of progress against the Council Plan Targets so that they were aware of specific achievements and any areas of concern. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – No other options were considered.  The report provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.


Please note that this is not a Key Decision so can be implemented by Officers with immediate effect.




The report to Cabinet set out the performance achieved against the Council Plan targets. Members noted the significant advances which had been made and the improved performance of the Council and its services. They recalled that the Council Plan performance targets had been developed before the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and that many of the specific targets did not reflect the changed circumstances in which the Council now operated. Cabinet had made clear that the performance framework should accurately measure real performance in the new circumstances and what improvements had been achieved. 


In this context, Members were informed of the proposed changes to target ENV 17 – Measure of the percentage of cases of waste crime (Duty of Care and Fly Tipping) so that it would now focus on the actions taken within communities to help combat and prevent the problem. In particular, the revised target would aim to deliver one high profile print and social media campaign per quarter on an Environmental Enforcement topic, with the aim of influencing behavioural change. 


Cabinet discussed the report. Members welcomed the proposed changes to the specific target, which they felt would better reflect the Council’s commitment to tackling and preventing fly tipping and other environmental enforcement issues. Members discussed suggestions made by the Audit and Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee on the target. Cabinet welcomed these and concluded that issues which they raised could be addressed as part of the amended target.




(1) That Cabinet noted the Outturns for the Council Plan 2019-2023 Targets.


(2) That Target ENV17 be changed to an externally focused Target, for the reasons set out in the report.




To inform Members of progress against the Council Plan Targets so that they were aware of specific achievements and any areas of concern.




No other options were considered. The report provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.