Sharley Park Tag Active / Low Carbon
Report of Councillor A Powell, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Communications
Key Decision Paragraph 3
Additional documents:
RESOLVED - Cabinet agreed:
(1) To deliver the scheme to install a TAG active at Sharley Park and operate the facility in line with or better than the cost and financial forecast identified, and increase the Council’s financial contribution accordingly.
(2) To accept a further £1m funding through the Towns fund to provide low carbon technology.
(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Growth and Assets to take such action as is necessary to progress the scheme through to completion.
REASONS FOR DECISION – To continue with the Leisure Facilities Investment Programme in order to reduce operating costs and improve participation rates for younger people.
OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – Alternative options such as rejecting the funding and not installing low carbon technologies were considered but rejected for the reasons specified in the report.
This is a Key Decision. The call-in period for the decision will run until Monday 30 May 2022
Members were asked to approve investment to install a TAG Active exercise facility at the Sharley Park Community Hub. The report also explained that subject to Cabinet’s agreement additional funding would be provided through the Clay Cross Town Deal Board to install carbon reduction technology on the site.
Cabinet discussed the report. Members welcomed the proposal to install the TAG Active exercise facility and the benefits that this would have, by encouraging people to use the new Community Hub, and so improve their health and wellbeing. Cabinet also welcomed the opportunity for additional funding from the Town Fund to install carbon reduction technology. Members felt that this should be supported.
Cabinet agreed:
(1) To deliver the scheme to install a TAG active at Sharley Park and operate the facility in line with or better than the cost and financial forecast identified, and increase the Council’s financial contribution accordingly.
(2) To accept a further £1m funding through the Towns fund to provide low carbon technology.
(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Growth and Assets to take such action as is necessary to progress the scheme through to completion.
REASONS FOR DECISION – To continue with the Leisure Facilities Investment Programme in order to reduce operating costs and improve participation rates for younger people.
OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – Alternative options such as rejecting the funding and not installing low carbon technologies were considered but rejected for the reasons specified in the report.