Issue - meetings

Empty Property Trial Update and Contract Extension (Ref: KA)

Meeting: 07/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 334)

Empty Property Trial Update and Contract Extension (Ref: KA)

Report of Councillor R Welton – Portfolio Holder for Housing




(1)   That Cabinet notes the update on the Empty Property Trial. 


(2)   That Cabinet agrees an extension on the Empty Property Trial on the terms as specified in the report.  


REASON FOR DECISION – To enable the Council to continue with an innovative approach bringing back into use empty properties in the District. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The option of not extending the trial was considered but rejected for the reasons as specified in the report.


Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Richard Welton, Portfolio Holder for Housing, which updated Members on the progress of the empty property trial. Members felt that the pilot had worked well. There was a consensus that the trial should continue.




(1)   That Cabinet notes the update on the Empty Property Trial. 


(2)   That Cabinet agrees an extension on the Empty Property Trial on the terms as specified in the report.  


REASON FOR DECISION – To enable the Council to continue with an innovative approach bringing back into use empty properties in the District. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The option of not extending the trial was considered but rejected for the reasons as specified in the report.