Issue - meetings

Corporate Property Maintenance Contract

Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 17)

Corporate Property Estates Maintenance Contract 2023-25

Report of Councillor J Barry, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Assets.


Key Decision                                                                                 (Paragraph 3)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED - That Cabinet approved the acceptance of the tender received and to award the contract to Gary Fletcher (Surfacing Ltd).


REASONS FOR DECISION – Agreeing to contract with the identified company will mean that a quality experienced provider can be commissioned to meet the objectives of the contract.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – The option to not approve this tender was considered but rejected. This was due to the hugely increased workload involved in obtaining quotations for individual pieces of work and the timescales involved.


This is a Key Decision the call-in period for this decision will run until Monday 1July 2024



Cabinet was asked to accept the tender for the Corporate Property Maintenance Contract. Cabinet was informed of the tendering exercise which had been undertaken and the previous work carried out by the proposed contractor for the Council.


RESOLVED - That Cabinet approved the acceptance of the tender received and to award the contract to Gary Fletcher (Surfacing Ltd).


REASONS FOR DECISION – Agreeing to contract with the identified company will mean that a quality experienced provider can be commissioned to meet the objectives of the contract.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – The option to not approve this tender was considered but rejected. This was due to the hugely increased workload involved in obtaining quotations for individual pieces of work and the timescales involved.