Issue - meetings

Clay Cross Town Deal Outline Business Case Low Carbon Challenge Fund (Local Assurance) - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 24/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 43)

Clay Cross Town Deal Outline Business Case, Low Carbon Challenge Fund (Local Assurance)

Report of Councillor J Kenyon, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Transformation and Climate Change.


Key Decision                                                                                   Paragraph 3


Additional documents:




(1) Cabinet agreed the outline business case which seeks to procure a delivery partner for the Low Carbon Challenge Fund.

(2) Cabinet agreed that the Town Fund business case for Low Carbon Challenge Fund presented provides the assurance that the project represents good value for money for the public.

(3) Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the S151 Officer, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Economy, Transformation and Climate and upon receipt of the business case assurance to finalise the business case documents to a ‘Ready to Proceed’ position as required.

(4) Cabinet agreed that the project is recommended to Clay Cross Town Board for consideration and approval.


REASONS FOR DECISION – That an experienced delivery partner will enable the Low Carbon Challenge Fund to fulfil its potential and maximise impact for Clay Cross, and that a preferred delivery partner is appointed through a public sector framework which is procurement compliant process, as advised by the Council’s legal team. The timing of this decision cannot be delayed due to deadlines imposed by DLUHC. If the decision was delayed to another Cabinet meeting, the submission to government in line with the agreed timescales would be missed.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – That the programme is delivered in-house or by Derbyshire County Council.


This is a Key Decision. The call-in period for the decision will run until Monday 5 December 2022.


The report to Cabinet provided Members with the Clay Cross Towns Fund Low Carbon Challenge Fund Business Case.


Cabinet discussed the report. Members supported the recommendations and thanked the officers involved in putting the Business Case together in time for the submission deadline.


REASONS FOR DECISION - That an experienced delivery partner will enable the Low Carbon Challenge Fund to fulfil its potential and maximise its impact for Clay Cross. The timing of this decision cannot be delayed due to deadlines imposed by DLUHC. If the decision was delayed to another Cabinet meeting, the submission to government in line with the agreed timescales would be missed.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - That the programme is delivered in-house or by Derbyshire County Council.