Decision Maker: Managing Director
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
NEDDC receives an annual sum of money to
assist in the prevention of homelessness.
NEDDC received a total of £103,886.68 from CLG in 2015/16 as
the homeless prevention grant. The sum of £36,050 was made
available for projects to support the work of the Housing Options
It has been agreed by the Portfolio Member for Housing and Social
Inclusion and the Joint Director of Transformation that the amount
referred to above is allocated as follows:-
- £12,000 to Derbyshire Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse
Service to part fund an advice worker, funding for floating support
for their dispersed refuge scheme and promotion of the sanctuary
scheme within the private rented sector.
- £12,000 as part contribution for the delivery of the County
Court duty representation for mortgage repossession cases by
Derbyshire Law Centre (formerly Chesterfield Law Centre). This will
be paid for out of remaining Mortgage Rescue Scheme funding.
- £4,000 to be used as a bond pt to enable the Housing
Options Team to deliver the bond guarantee scheme.
- £10,000 as part contribution towards a scheme assisting non
priority single homeless people into accommodation. This is a joint
scheme with Bolsover District and Chesterfield Borough
- £3,000 contribution towards the cost of a county wide Move
On Officer who delivers the move on protocol. This post essentially
assists vulnerable households out of supported accommodation and
into settled accommodation (an additional benefit is that it
reduces bed blocking of supported units). The post also developed a
protocol for patient's being discharged from hospital.
- £3,600 to obtain two units of supported accommodation for
young people at Newbold Court.
- £3,450 to be allocated throughout the year as small
payments or contributions by PRS and Housing Options Manager
(previous uses include payments to furniture project and Pathways
Day Centre).
Where required the organisations have completed the Council's
standard funding application form and these have been approved
through the agreed assessment procedure.
The above expenditure totals £48,050 consisting of:-
£36, 050 - CLG Homelessness Grant;
£12,000 - Mortgage Rescue Scheme Funding.
To enable the prevention of homelessness
across the District.
Publication date: 08/03/2023
Date of decision: 08/09/2015
Accompanying Documents: