Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Environmental Health Service
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
1. To authorise the following officers to
enforce the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure)
(England) Regulations 2020 (“the Business Closure Regulations
“). This authorisation is in relation to both North East
Derbyshire and Bolsover Districts.
a. Joint Head of Environmental Health Service
b. Environmental Health Manager
c. Licensing Team Leader
d. Licensing and Enforcement Officer
e. Environmental Enforcement Team Leader
f. Environmental Enforcement Technical Officer
g. Senior Environmental Health Officer
h. Technical Officer (Housing and Pollution)
i. Environmental Protection Officer
j. Environmental Protection Enforcement Officer
2. To authorise the following officers to approve the bringing of
proceedings for any offence under the Business Closure
Authorised Officers:
a. Joint Head of Service
b. Environmental Health Manager
To enable the Councils to enforce the Business
Closure Regulations to protect public health. A wide group of
officers have been identified to enable enforcement action and
on-site support as required.
To reserve all delegated powers to the Joint
Head of Service only. This would require the Joint Head of Service
to personally approve and attend every enforcement action in
relation to the regulations, and given the seriousness and
practicalities involved in enforcing the legislation this would be
a prohibitive step.
Due to the potentially high profile of any legal proceedings
against businesses, the authorisation of proceedings for such
offences should not be granted to officers outside the service
senior management team.
Publication date: 21/11/2022
Date of decision: 25/03/2020
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