Decision details

NEDDC TPO 299: Tree at Overton Park Camp, Overton, Ashover

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To confirm TPO 299/2024 Tree at Overton Park Camp, Overton, Ashover.

Reasons for the decision:

TPO 299/2024 was created in its provisional form on 15th April 2024, and it would apply for six months from that date, or until it had been confirmed with, or without, modification to provide long term protection.

Following a period of no less than 28 days after serving TPO 299/2024, no duly made objection to the Confirmation of TPO 299/2024 has been received. However, one representation supporting the Confirmation of TPO 299/2024 was received.

It is the advice of the Tree Officer to Confirm TPO 299/2024 without modification.

Alternative options considered:

There is one other option and that’s to not Confirm the order but that requires the council ignore the possible risk of losing an important tree and this is not considered a suitable alternative.

Publication date: 18/06/2024

Date of decision: 14/06/2024