Decision details


Decision Maker: Managing Director

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the revised structure of the Scrutiny and Governance Teams as proposed be approved for implementation and the associated establishment changes are effected:

Disestablish –
Joint Governance Manager, PA to the Chief Executive, PA to the Cabinet and Civic Officer, Scrutiny Manager.

Establish –
Governance and Democracy Manager, Cabinet and Civic Support Team Leader, Civic and Governance Support Officer, Senior Scrutiny Officer.

Retitling existing positions and approving revised JDs.

A growth in the Governance Salary budget be approved up to £10k. An anticipated cost is approximately £4k, however this is subject to 4 Job Evaluations being completed which may take some time and a delay in making a decision will delay the implementation of urgently needed changes.

Reasons for the decision:

Management are keen to invest in an enhanced service for Members. This will only be achieved through restructure and increased capacity in management to develop the service through this period of change.

The future of Members’ technology is unknown, it is unwise to recommend any changes at this point. However increased Management capacity will allow for development of the Chamber Tech projects to progress.

The team require direction and role definition to meet the service plan and improve service quality.

There is a service risk in both Civic and Scrutiny that the current provision is unsustainable and the impact of failure to meet expectations would be significant for the service.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 20/10/2022

Date of decision: 18/11/2021

Accompanying Documents: