Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(1) That the update on the preparation of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire set out in the report be noted;
(2) That Cabinet agrees to raise no objection with Derbyshire County Council about:
a) the proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire; or
b) their preparation of the proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire, including the extent to which the responsible authority has involved the supporting authority in that preparation.
REASONS FOR DECISION – The proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire is considered to set out appropriate priorities and proposals with regard to North East Derbyshire District to help nature to thrive and provide wider environmental benefits in the future.
OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED – To raise an objection with Derbyshire County Council under the relevant provisions contained within the Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023, or to not respond during the required period. Firstly, it is considered that the proposed consultation draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Derbyshire is appropriate and that there are no suitable grounds to raise an objection. Secondly, it is considered that the District Council should respond and demonstrate its commitment to Local Nature Recovery and respond accordingly.
Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers.
Report author: David Thompson
Publication date: 24/01/2025
Date of decision: 23/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet
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