Decision details

Multi-Functional Device Contract Procurement - (Ref: NB)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



            Cabinet considered a report of Councillor B Lewis, Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Leisure, which explained the tender process for a new five year multi-functional device (MFD) contract. 


            Members were informed that the tender process had now been completed and a successful bidder identified.   


RESOLVED – That Cabinet:


(a)  Noted the Procurement Process for a new Multi-Functional Device (MFD) contract;

(b)  Agreed that the successful bidder in this process, as reported at the meeting, be awarded the new Multi-Functional Device contract, on the terms specified at the meeting, subject to the completion of the appropriate due-diligence work.





The procurement of a new Multi-Functional Device contract will provide improved operational capabilities at a lower cost.





No other options were considered by Cabinet. The Council’s Multi-Functional Devices are reaching the end of the operational life and will require replacement.



Publication date: 09/01/2020

Date of decision: 09/01/2020

Decided at meeting: 09/01/2020 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 21/01/2020

Call-in deadline date: 20/01/2020

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